PSYCHOLOGISTININDORE https://www.psychologistinindore.co.in

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Mental retardation, now referred to as intellectual disability, is a condition characterized by limitations in intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior. This can manifest as difficulties in learning, reasoning, problem-solving, and practical li

De-addiction involves overcoming dependence on substances like drugs or alcohol, as well as behaviours like gambling or gaming. Psychologists play a crucial role in this process by providing therapy and support to individuals struggling with addictio

Welcome at our new center "Zorba the Buddha"Psychotherapy and Counseling centre.Dr. Ajay Sharma Consultant -Clinical Neuro Adult and Child Psychologist, Marriage Counselor and family therapist at your trusted guide on the journey to mental health."

Teenage counseling is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it provides adolescents with a safe space to express their thoughts and emotions, helping them navigate the challenges of adolescence such as identity exploration, peer pressure, and academi

Panic disorder is a type of anxiety disorder characterized by recurrent and unexpected panic attacks. These attacks are sudden periods of intense fear or discomfort, accompanied by physical symptoms like rapid heartbeat, sweating, trembling, and feel

Neuropsychological testing plays a crucial role in understanding brain function and Behaviour. Neuropsychological testing assesses cognitive function, behaviour, and emotional status. It can help diagnose conditions like dementia, ADHD, and learning

Career counseling is a professional service aimed at helping individuals make informed decisions about their careers. It involves various activities such as self-assessment, exploring career options, setting goals, and developing action plans. Career

Career counseling involves helping individuals explore and make informed decisions about their career paths. Here are some key aspects of career counseling:1. **Self-Assessment:** Career counselors often begin by helping individuals assess their in
